A. Create a Climate Map to illustrate Atlantic South America’s different climates.
Use the photographs to illustrate your climate map, and color in the climate zones with shades that seem right to you. You might want to use blue for Polar Regions, for instance, or red for desert regions.
B. Create a model of the Rainforest, illustrate the four layers.
C. Physical Geography of Atlantic South America: Make a trifold through which you can inform students of the major landforms found in the region (explain and illustrate)
D. Animals found in the Rainforest, make a poster. 1.http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/rainforest/Animals.shtml,
E. Deforestation in the Amazon: Causes and Effects (chart with illustrations)
1. http://kidsandconservationblog.typepad.com/kids_connected_to_conserv/2005/08/deforestation.html
2. http://blog.taragana.com/pr/deforestation-in-the-amazon-reaches-lowest-levels-ever-recorded-in-2009-8940/
3. http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/am/Amazon_Rainforest
F. Missions in South America: the Jesuits projects with the Guarani Indians in Paraguay. Make a trifold, name of the missions, location, activities taught to the Indians, end of the missions.
G. The Atacama Desert: a model that will illustrate the size, type of animals that live there, vegetation, and people. http://www.musc.edu/cando/geocam/atacama/atacama.html
H. Animals of the Andes Mountains: Make a Trifold.
Llama, Alpaca, Vicuna, Andean Condor, Chinchilla, Leopard, and Pika.
Original home (habitat)
Description (size, weight,color, etc)